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He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38  
Ministers United by Christ!
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38  
Ordained Ministers 
Nonprofit Organization 


          Prayer Warriors!
Spiritual Warfare!

After 35 years, we thought we had better discernment! Yes, a wolf in sheep clothing came and robbed, tried to destroy us … so we need prayer please!  We pray for truth to be revealed as the Holy Spirit does guide us into all truth!  The thief will be stopped and return what we lost, as well as many other saints who have been deceived.  Of course, we forgive and believe for those who do evil …that they will be saved and to know God’s Love towards them! We also have learned that when evil comes then usually our God is up to something really good!  We Praise His Holy name!  We trust in Him with our whole hearts and lean not to our own understanding!  We know in whom we believe and we know God is always faithful and God is always good!  We Praise His Holy name!  

Ministers United By Christ October November December 2015

Prayer Request for Joseph and Emily Sortino as they travel for 45 days in October/November/December 2015 to minister for God’s Glory and for His perfect will to be done! 

We know God is going to be God again this year of 2015, as we trust and obey Him! He again graciously is sending us alone with Him and it will be the second time preaching at the Christian church in Lalibela!  We are honored & excited to return to share God’s Love with these precious Ethiopian people! 

After 20 hours flying from America to Africa, our first stop is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia! 
It is just me, Emily and my husband, Joseph with our Almighty God!  He has a plan!  
The first  week is in Addis Ababa at the refuge church. We will comfort the people with the Word of God!  Alelulia!  Jesus will guide His children with His eye and teach them in the way to go! He will make the crooked way straight for these precious families!

Then we fly to Lalibela for 20 days to do as God shows us!  We are ministering in the church where they suffered much persecution. Often they were stoned, huts burned down and jobs taken from them because they are now are born again!  Regardless of the trials and tribulations, they still love God and truly serve Him with there whole hearts!  There is no clean water, nor wells and many suffer greatly.  God will give them new hope as we obey Him.  We are praying and believing for peace in the mountain top town of beautiful Lalibela! We pray the people will love one another and have freedom to worship God!  Also, we are praying for new opportunities of jobs for the Ethiopians; wells for clean water; and a better way of life!  God makes a way where there is no way! 
Joseph and Emily are leaving our beautiful country of America very soon! This October we will travel to minister in Ethiopia and Malawi, Africa!  We serve an amazing God!  Last year of 2014, the Lord graciously sent us to Ethiopia and many came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!  Alelulia!  God was so much our Heavenly Father as He showed His love so many times!  3 children in 3 different cities were deaf, but now they hear! All Glory to God!

Joseph and Emily will fly to Blantyre, Malawi for the month of November 2015.  It is the first time to preach and evangelize with Bishop/Pastor Michael and his wife Christine. They are Senior Pastors who have 12 Pastors and their churches that work with them.. all for Jesus!  Pastor and his wife and us…we will all preach as we travel together to the churches and crusades that are arranged in nearby towns!  We are very humbled and honored to be their guests speakers! We will all stand in awe at the magnificence of our God!!  All Glory to God! 
Thank you all for your prayers for us to stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit and enjoy his comfort while we obey God, step by step.  God guides us with His eyes! God gives us visions and whispers his hearts desire as we sit at His feet and seek His Face!  For now, just the two of us and our Almighty God!  We pray for traveling mercies, provisions and His care for us as we cast every care upon Him! Most of all, we pray for God’s wisdom and that we would even live and move and have our being in Him!  May the name of Jesus always be lifted up as all men will be drawn unto Him!  Praise His Holy name! 

Thank you all for sharing your love of God and your prayers with us always!  We both pray blessings and more blessings upon you and yours!  We pray you will be blessed with His Love towards you and His Presence all around you!  May you enjoy His gifts of joy unspeakable and the peace that surpasses all understanding!  God loves you with His everlasting love!  Amen and Amen!
 We captured so many images on camera and video.  There were so many countless images that were so precious and left within our hearts.  

It seems that every where we went, curiosity raised up about us and about God Almighty. 

No matter who we spoke with about God, they seemed so interested as if there was a longing in their heart for the truth.  Anything that could help their life get along better is what we shared with young and old and those who were seeking truth and understanding.  Alleluia! 
Images, so many images!  

This is what we bring back from our recent trip in October, November, December 2015 to Ethiopia and Malawi, Africa. 
When we started teaching about the gospel of Jesus, there was a great hunger to hear more.  Such an intensity of tuning in to God’s message. They desired to learn how to have a relationship with Jesus or how to have a greater, deeper, richer closeness with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Praise His Holy name!

We wanted to leave them with a seed that could change their life forever, so they also may change other peoples life forever.  We told people every where we ministered:  "Be still and know He is God.  Listen to Him!  What is the Lord saying to you? How is HE directing your life?”  and "How can God talk through you by speaking by His Spirit?”  Isaiah 55: 9  "As the heavens are higher than the earth,   so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  

We would teach them how to get a hold of God’s thoughts and God’s ways in their own life.  After all, we can share what God is saying through prophecy to them; but when we leave, they need to hear what God is saying to them for themselves and their family, for their churches and gatherings of God’s people.

Some of the images that could not be recorded happened in the moment.  We experienced so much of God’s Love that it exposed people’s hearts.  So much hurt hidden deep in their hearts.  We have images now recorded in our memory of their broken hearts and wounded spirits as they cried out to God.  

Other times, we were ministering to individuals by prophecy and praying for healing.  We rejoiced with the sons and daughters of God who were excited as they received their healing and their encouragement by the Holy Spirit.  

In most of our meetings, was a deep honor and reverence to God Almighty through worship and singing unto the Lord.  The Harvest was ripe and God was Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end!  We all stood in awe at the magnificence of our Heavenly Father.  Their is no God like our God!  Praise His Holy name!  Alleluia!